Showing posts with label Carousel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carousel. Show all posts

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#carousel figure:nth-child(1){transform: rotateY(0deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(2) { transform: rotateY(40deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(3) { transform: rotateY(80deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(4) { transform: rotateY(120deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(5) { transform: rotateY(160deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(6) { transform: rotateY(200deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(7) { transform: rotateY(240deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(8) { transform: rotateY(280deg) translateZ(288px);}
#carousel figure:nth-child(9) { transform: rotateY(320deg) translateZ(288px);}
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 transition: all .5s ease;
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@keyframes rotation{
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  transform: rotateY(360deg);
<div id="gradient"></div>
<a href="http://Link Title" target="_blank" title="Mari Belajar">
<span style="color:#f00; font-size: 10pt">CAROUSEL WITH SONG MP3</a>  </h2>
<div class="ap" id="ap">
<div align="center">
<div id="dibawah">
<span style="font-family: arial ; font-size: 12px; color:#f00;"> EDITED BY. <a href="https://Link Download"title="Download Full Code"><span style="color: #FFFF00; font-size: 14px;">&nbsp; M - 2010 </a>&nbsp; DOWNLOAD </a> 
<div id="posisi">
<span style="font-family: arial ; font-size: 12px; color:#f00;"> COPYRIGHT <a href=""target="_blank"title="Edit Code"><span style="color: #FFFF00; font-size: 14px;">&nbsp; &copy; - 2017 </a>&nbsp; CODEPEN </a> 
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<a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit Website"><img class="expando" border="0" src="" width="140"height="10"></h2>
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<div id="carousel">
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<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
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<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
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<img src="" alt=""/>
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<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
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    <div class="picture">
<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
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    <div class="picture">
<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
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    <div class="picture">
<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
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<a href="http://Link Judul" target="_blank" title="Link Anda">
<img src="" alt=""/>
            <div class="image-overlay-link"></a>            
var camera, // Core 3.js component
 scene, // Core 3.js component
 renderer, // Core 3.js component
 mouseX = 0, // Tracking Mouse Positions
 mouseY = 0, // Tracking Mouse Positions
 charCounter = 0,
 particles= []; // Array to store all particles 
 init(); //Call Initializer 
 //Initializer function
 function init(){
  //Focus of View( Camera view angle), Aspect Ratio, near Clipping Frame and Far Clipping Frame
  camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 80, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000 );   
  //Set Z-index of Camera backward to see some 3D view
  camera.position.z = 100;  
  //Creating a Scene for 3D Data
  scene = new THREE.Scene();
  scene.add(camera); // Adding a camera to Scene  
  renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer(); //Create a renderer for Canvas
  renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); //Set to window size or your size  
  document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); //We are adding three.js canvas element to DOM Here
  makeParticles(); // Create Particles
 //document.addEventListener("mousemove",onMove,false); // Add handler to all mouse movements
 setInterval(updateCanvas,1000/14);  // take 1000 (the number of mils in a second) and divide it by our frame rate. 
 function makeParticles(){
  var particle, //Creating Core Particles
  material; //Creating Material with which particle is to be made  
  //Iterate from a zone of -1000 to 1000 and position particles at random place SO WE CREATE 100 Particles
  for(var zindex = -1000; zindex <1000; zindex+=20){
   //Create a Material with a color and pass reference to a rendered to draw and define its shape
   material = new THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial({color:0xffffff,program: particleRender}); //Initializing Object with   
   Constructor Parameters
   particle = new THREE.Particle(material);   
   //Place Positions of X and Y
   particle.position.x = Math.random() *2000 -1000;
   particle.position.y = Math.random() *1000 -500;   
   particle.position.z = zindex; // Place it on out iterator   
   particle.scale.x = particle.scale.y = 4; // Scale to our factor   
   scene.add(particle); // Add to scene
   particles.push(particle); //Push to out list of particles
    } }
   function particleRender( context ) { 
 /*/ we get passed a reference to the canvas context
 // and we just have to draw our shape at 0,0 - in this
 // case an arc from 0 to 2Pi radians or 360º - a full circle!
 context.arc( 0, 0, 1, 0,  Math.PI * 2, true );
  var text = new Array();
    text[0] ="θ";
    text[1] = "ι";
    text[2] = "κ";
    text[3] = "λ";
    text[4] ="μ";
    text[5] = "ν";
    text[6] = "ξ";
    text[7] = "ο";
  context.font = '20pt Calibri';
  context.fillStyle = 'cyan';
  context.fillText(text[charCounter], 0, 0);
  charCounter = charCounter + 1; 
  if(charCounter >7){
  charCounter = 0;
 function onMove(){
 // store the mouseX and mouseY position 
  mouseX = event.clientX;
  mouseY = event.clientY;
 function updateParticles(){
  // iterate through every particle
  for(var i=0; i<particles.length; i++) {  
   particle = particles[i];   
   // and move it forward dependent on the mouseY position. 
   particle.position.z +=  20;  
   // if the particle is too close move it to the back
   if(particle.position.z>1000) particle.position.z=-1000; 
    } } 
 function updateCanvas(){ // This is called for a frame rate of 30fps
  updateParticles(); // Update DOM
   // and render the scene from the perspective of the camera
  renderer.render( scene, camera );
Code by. All Source
Edited by. Mys2010 On Codepen
If you want to directly copy  and  paste you canDownload  Carousel With Music Mp3